Boys Basketball
Basketball is a fun, team sport that can help build desirable traits such as character, discipline, cooperation, and physical and mental toughness. At PACA our goal is to help student athletes develop the fundamentals of basketball. They will learn a variety of skills, drills, and offensive and defensive strategies throughout the season. We compete against other schools, many of which are members of the Space Coast Christian Conference league. Tryouts begin in October and are open to all PACA students 6th – 8th grade. Practice times may vary but generally run from 4:30 to 6:15 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, except game days. Saturday games are possible.
Co-ed Soccer
Our goal is to introduce the “Beautiful Game” of Soccer. We will focus on the basic rules of the game, fundamental skills and teamwork. Our season runs from August through October.
Any PACA student in 6th – 8th grade may try out for the PACA Soccer Team. The PACA soccer team practices weekly Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday unless we have a scheduled game on one of those days. Team practice is weekly from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. at the PACA athletic field.
The PACA Soccer coaches teach lessons on teamwork, attitude, and commitment which can complement every other sport and activity in which they participate. For the past 4 years we have placed in the end of season tournament, and had many undefeated seasons.

Flag Football
Since joining the flag football league in 2014, Park Avenue Christian Academy has been a powerhouse in the Space Coast Christian Athletic Association. In our debut season of 2014, we won the championship and were also crowned the champions in 2018 and 2021. The instructional team captured the Championship title this year as well. Our Middle School Head Coach, Steve Baggett, is a great motivator not just on the football field but off the field too, as he speaks life into the young men he coaches.
Our scriptural philosophy is found in Colossians 3:17 and 3:23.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him…Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.
The desire for each of our football teams is to show unity and display Christian character on the field, in the home, and in the classroom. We represent Jesus first, our families second, and our school third. Forming a brotherhood, these young men will be taught to be mighty men of valor who will leave the field with no regrets as we quest for another championship and strive to always bring glory to God the Father through Jesus Christ.

Girls Volleyball
Welcome to the sport of volleyball! Throughout the season we focus on several primary volleyball techniques. Our goal is to be able to have three controlled hits before it crosses over the net. By the end of the season, our girls should have a thorough knowledge of passing, setting, hitting and serving. Our hope is that through this experience they will desire to return the next year or continue on at the next level.
Volleyball is available to any young lady in the 6th through 8th grade at PACA. Tryouts are held the first week of the school year in which the student is given the opportunity to show the skills they have and their ability to learn and improve. You do not have to be familiar with the game to tryout, you just must be willing to learn and show potential! We practice every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3:15 – 5:00 p.m. in the PACA gym. Practices are mandatory to participate in the games. The season runs from August to October in which we play competitively in games and tournaments.
Commitment to the volleyball team will not only teach the young ladies the skills of the game, but also determination, competitiveness, humility, selflessness and camaraderie. It will also give them the opportunity to build friendships! This is a great team sport with endless opportunities to excel.

Running Team
Our goal is to introduce you to the sport of running. We will focus on Cross-Country in the fall and Track and Field in the spring. We will participate in a series of 5K races throughout the year and two track and field meets. Any PACA student in the 3rd through 8th grade may participate on the Running Team, and join us for our track season in the spring. Team practice begins at 6:45 a.m. on Tuesday mornings at PACA.
The Running Team is a year-long commitment which can compliment every other sport and activity in which you participate. Our team will gain both a respect and an understanding for the sports of cross-country and track and field as well as for the lifelong benefits of running. Although we train together weekly, developing an understanding of running and racing, we encourage you to develop your own fitness by also training on your own.